Non-Surgical Treatments and Skin Care
Non-surgical treatments provide significant benefit to our patients as either stand-alone treatments, or in preparation of or maintenance after surgery. Whether it is injection of a neuromodulator, filler injection, or applying a skin care regimen, these treatments can optimize your skin and take years off your appearance.
Non-surgical treatments can help you feel more comfortable and confident and pay dividends down the road by correcting or preventing certain age-related changes. If you are interested in looking your best with little to no down time, please contact us through our confidential online form or call / text 415-523-5235 to schedule a consultation.
Your Non-Surgical Consultation Appointment
At B.A.E. your initial consultation will be with one of our well-trained plastic surgeons who will perform a thorough assessment and help get you started on the right path. Before your first visit, you will be asked to complete an intake form to document your personal and medical history, prior surgeries, medications, and allergies.
At your visit we will review your concerns and goals. We will also want to learn more specifically about any prior facial or body cosmetic procedures performed, including the last time you received fillers or BOTOX. We will examine your areas of concern and take photographs to help compare your results before and after treatment to help improve the effectiveness of your future sessions.
Meet Dr. Pourtaheri
Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Navid Pourtaheri is a Board Certified, Fellowship Trained Plastic Surgeon. An engineer before becoming a surgeon, Dr. Pourtaheri has a leg up when it comes to problem solving and surgical planning with the latest technology.
Non-Surgical Treatments

Some of the most common cosmetic treatments performed are non-surgical. They generally provide noticeable benefit, are relatively safe, and have minimal down time. At Bay Area Esthetics Plastic Surgery we provide the following non-surgical treatment options.
- BOTOX (neuromodulator) injection – BOTOX (Onabotulinum toxin A) is a form or neuromodulator that deactivates muscles in the areas injected for a period of months. Many of the wrinkles on the face can form due to the persistent activity of certain muscle groups. Patients with deep grooves at rest (such as the 11’s) can be improved by deactivating the muscles in that area (i.e. the corrugator) with a BOTOX injection. Over time, if untreated, skin grooves can become permanent and may require additional methods beyond BOTOX to correct them, such as filler injection, chemical peels, or laser dermabrasion].
- Filler Injection – Dermal fillers can be injected to provide lift and volume replenishment in various areas of the face. They are most commonly used to fill in deep creases / wrinkles of skin on the face, but can also be used to augment the cheeks, smooth the jaw line, and enhance the lips, or resculpt the nose (see liquid rhinoplasty). A wide range of dermal fillers have been approved for a variety of clinical indications. They typically vary based on their G-prime (viscous modulus, or how thick it is), water affinity, and half-life (how long they last before getting absorbed by the body). The most common fillers we use are: Juvederm® XC, Juvederm® Ultra XC, Vollure™, Volbella™, and Voluma™. Other less commonly used fillers include Restylane®, Radiesse®, Sculptra®, and Renuva®. These filling materials are made from bio-compatible products like hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, poly-L-lactic acid, or decellularized fat (adipose matrix). The type we choose will be based on the area(s) treated.
- Non-surgical Fat Destruction – Various non-surgical techniques are available to reduce fat in unwanted areas. One of the more popular options include KYBELLA® (deoxycholic acid), which we can use to permanently destroy fat cells in the submental (double chin) area. It is administered as a series of injections under the chin, producing dramatic results after 2 or more sessions in ideal candidates. The number of recommended sessions will vary based on the amount of fat under the chin and your treatment goals. You can have temporary swelling and bruising in the area injected, and expect to enjoy the full benefit of each session after several weeks. We find that this technique can produce more dramatic and predictable results than cryotherapy (Coolsculpt-type devices), since the injections are distributed evenly across the area of concern and not dependent on surface contact. Some patients may be better candidates for liposuction instead. If you have questions about the best method to remove fat from your area(s) of concern, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to review the best options for you.
- Skin Care Assessment – Skin is the largest organ in the body and the most important when it comes to conveying age to others. The skin provides a number of important functions, including acting as a moisture barrier from the outside world, cooling our bodies down, fighting infections, and providing sensation. Promoting healthy skin is also the first line of defense against aging. Much like exercise, committing to a regular skin care regimen requires proper guidance and a manageable routine to achieve and maintain long-lasting results. Also, everyone’s skin is different, as are the irregularities that we need to correct. At Bay Area Esthetics we offer skin assessments to design a customized skin care protocol for each of our patients. Depending on the condition we are treating, skin assessments may be able to be performed virtually.
- Skin Treatments – Extractions, facials, chemical peels, radiofrequency microneedling, and laser skin resurfacing are common options used in the office to treat a variety of skin problems to help patients look their best. These treatments are a quick way, with minimal down-time to get your skin started on the right path. We often recommend after-care skin regimens you can apply at home to maximize the benefits of treatment.We will check on you after the treatment to make changes toward a long-term skin maintenance plan.
If you are ready to take the next step and learn more about non-surgical treatments to improve your skin quality and appearance, please contact us online using our confidential form or call / text 415-523-5235 to schedule a consultation.
Flying in For Surgery
If you’re flying in from out of town to see Dr. Pourtaheri, Team BAE will arrange the process to make it as easy as possible for you.
Contact B.A.E for more information or to schedule a consultation.
Your information will be kept confidential.